True Christian education is holistic, aiming to bring kids to Christ and help them live for Him. This article has touched on just one way of fostering this—by helping children to learn how to talk and listen to God. If you find these suggestions helpful, feel free to share them with others who are striving to provide a Christ-centered education and upbringing for their kids as well.
Model the behavior and action of talking with God throughout your day.
It’s easy for children to forget about God when they’re in the middle of a big, busy day. But we can help our kids remember to talk with God throughout their day by modeling the behavior and action of talking with God ourselves.
When we talk to God throughout the day, we show our children that it’s a normal part of life—that it’s not something they have to do in church or on Sunday mornings. We should model to them that they don’t have to be in a weird position or isolate themselves before they can talk to God. As we are busy doing our chores and stressed over our kids’ behavior, we might say things like, “God, I know you are here. God help me as I cook this meal in this kitchen. Oh, did I forget to tell you that my day went well?” We should give thanks for the things that happen during our workday. When we pray with our kids before bedtime and tell them about what happened in the day (like getting a new job), they learn that talking with God is something you can do anytime—not just when you’re sitting in church. The point I am trying to draw out here is that we should show our kids that we talk to God in any situation or place we find ourselves in and that talking to God doesn’t have to be formal.
If your child isn’t sure how to talk to God, you can help him or her start by praying along with you. If it feels awkward at first, don’t worry! It will get easier. If your child struggles to talk out loud because he or she doesn’t want anyone else to hear what he or she says (or if there are other people around), try writing his or her thoughts on paper instead of saying them out loud.
Teach children that God speaks to us through His Word.
Teaching children that God speaks to us through His Word is one of the most important gifts you can give them.
As a child, I loved my Bible. Every night before bed and every morning when I wake up, I would read it and then, pray. It was a special time for me, and I felt blessed to have God as a father. It took a lot of weight of not having an earthly father away from me because there is a better Father to whom I am privileged to talk and listened to.
When my kids were babies and toddlers, I would read the Bible to them before tucking them into bed at night. In the morning, we will all have a family devotion. As they got older and more aware of what was going on around them, I gave them a Bible plan to be reading. I started by having them sit together while the audio would read. They would look at their Bible to follow along. When that was done, I would ask them questions about what they heard and read from the Bible reading plan.
My sons used to ask lots of questions from their Bible reading and you know what? They kept on asking questions even as I am writing. You know we can’t stop asking questions about the Bible because the more we read and study it, the more we know more truths and want to find out what we do not understand. Sometimes I ask them to ask the Holy Spirit living inside of them because He is our teacher. I would ask them to listen because He will answer them either by directing them to Bible passages that will make things clear to them or use another way.
Help your children learn to listen to God through Scripture reading.

What does it mean to listen to God? We can hear God speaking to us in many ways, but the most powerful way is through Scripture. The Word of God is powerful and can change us from the inside out. When we read the Bible, we are listening to what God says about Himself, His plans for us, and His love for us. When we read the Bible, we have the opportunity to hear what God has to say about our lives and our problems. We can also ask Him questions when we read the Bible and He will answer them.
The best way to help your children learn to listen to God is through Scripture reading. Here are a few tips for how you can make this a part of your family life:
1. Make it a habit to read the Bible together as a family. Pick a time and place that works for you, like at bedtime or before dinner.
2. Pick an easy-to-read translation that is appropriate for your kids’ ages and knowledge level.
3. Read with them! Guide them along as they discover new verses they like or that speak directly to them.
4. Ask them questions about what they’ve read, such as “What did Jesus say when he told us not to worry?” or “Why do you think it’s important to keep God’s commandments?”
Teach your children to know that God is always talking to us through the works of His hands, as written in Psalm 19:1.
In this Psalm, we see that God speaks through His creation. The things He has made are a way for us to understand who He is and what He has done for us. This means that there are many ways we can listen to what He is saying through His creation. We can observe how the sun rises and sets; we can watch the stars come out at night; we can see how animals act; we can see how plants grow; we can observe how people treat one another; and so much more!
When you’re with your kids, point out things in nature together—maybe it’s an animal or plant that catches their eye, or maybe it’s just a cloud formation in the sky. Ask them if they think these things might be speaking about God’s goodness or power or love for us… and then talk about why those things would tell us about those things (e.g., “I bet this animal may be praising God in its animal language” or “I wonder why clouds look like castles when they’re far away but look like cotton balls when they are close”).
Teach children to look for examples of God in their everyday lives by discussing how He works through their daily lives, blessings, triumphs, challenges, etc.
Helping kids to talk and listen to God is a process that begins with helping them understand how He works in their lives.
Have your child look for examples of God in their everyday lives by discussing how He works through their daily lives, blessings, triumphs, and challenges. The more they see God’s hand in these areas of their lives, the easier it will be for them to see Him working in other areas as well.
Even if they don’t know what they’re looking for, they can still learn about God by asking questions about what He might do in the world around them. If something happens that affects them personally or affects someone else close to them, ask them how they think God could have been involved in this situation. How do you think He would want us to respond? What values do you think He wants us to live out through this situation?
Teach kids that prayer is two-way communication. We talk to Him, and we expect Him to talk back to us.

Prayer is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. It’s two-way communication with God, where we talk to Him and expect Him to talk back to us.
We often think of prayer as something you do when you’re alone or quieting your mind so that it’s easier to hear what God has to say. But talking to God isn’t only about those times in your life when you’re asking for something or trying to make sense of something that’s happened. You can also talk with God about things that don’t seem like they have anything to do with anything else—like how excited you are about this new school year! Or how grateful you are that your mom made spaghetti last night (and thank goodness she didn’t forget the garlic bread).
When we talk with God, He listens, and He answers back! He wants us to come to Him any time we need help or guidance—not just when an emergency or disaster is happening around us. He wants us to come to Him with questions about other people too: “God, why did Mary say that mean thing?” “Why does Joe always get away with doing whatever he wants?” “How can I help someone today?” When you are done asking your question, wait for the answer to your question from Him.
Talk about the practical ways how you hear from God.
When you’re trying to hear from God, it’s hard to know where to begin. It’s not like there are any flashing lights that tell you when He’s talking, right? Well, there are a few practical ways of knowing when God is speaking to you.
One of the most common ways is through scripture reading. If you’re looking for guidance on a particular topic or situation, try reading a passage in the Bible that pertains to what you’re going through. There’s a good chance that if you take time to read it and pray over it, God will reveal something new to you.
Another way is through prayer. While praying doesn’t guarantee that God will answer your prayers (or even give an audible response), many people find that when they take time to pray and ask for guidance or blessing before making big decisions, their prayers are answered more frequently than not.
Finally, pay attention! Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we forget about the “big picture” stuff—but if we stop every once in a while, and just listen for what God has for us next, chances are pretty good that He’ll let us know how He wants us to proceed next!
Takeaway: Children can learn to talk and listen to God if taught and shown how.
Children can learn to talk and listen to God if taught and shown how. Here are some ideas for getting your children started:
-Start by reading the Bible with your child. You can do this with a book or on an app, but make sure you’re reading it together!
-Ask questions about what they read, like “What do you think God was trying to say?” or “What do you think this means?”
-When you see something in your child’s life that causes them to worry or trouble, ask them how they’re feeling about it—this is a great way for them to talk about their emotions, even if they don’t know what those emotions are yet!
-Have fun conversations about God’s creation around the house, like looking at flowers together or watching birds fly by outside. This will help them get used to thinking about God as someone who cares about everything around us instead of just being a distant idea in our heads.
Children don’t automatically know how to talk and listen to God. They need to be taught, and the earlier the better—teach them how to talk and listen to God when they’re young so that they’ll be able to carry this skill with them for a lifetime. This is not a straightforward thing to teach, but by using the methods described on this blog, I believe it can be done well.