About Us

Newcastle Christian Fellowship was started in July 2006 by 2 families in their houses every Saturday afternoon from 4pm-6pm. Koshy Uncle was leading the meetings.

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Newcastle Christian Fellowship

Meeting date March 14, 2021 3:00 pm

asian christian church newcastle

Brief History

Newcastle Christian Fellowship was started in July 2006 by 2 families in their houses every Saturday afternoon from 4pm-6pm. Koshy Uncle was leading the meetings.

Then few more families came and joined the fellowship, which resulted in moving onto a rental place in Killingworth, a town in Newcastle area. Later Pr Mathew C Varghese, was asked to take over the ministry, who used to travel from Durham to minister.

Church Minister

Ps Johnson is the present servant of God, who is pastoring NCF. He is based in Darlington, where he is pastoring another church, called House of Prayer Apostolic Ministries (HOPAM), UK. 

Pr Johnson Devapriyam


Email: newcastlechristianfellowship@gmail.om

newcastle malayalam church

Service Timings

Sunday School – 3pm-4pm



West Denton Community Centre, Function Room, Hillhead Road, Newcastle NE5 1DN.

All are welcome

Open chat
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